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Did You Know... ...that some peanut butters now contain XYLITOL (and XYLITOL is Toxic to Dogs)? Many people use peanut butter as a special treat for their dog. Peanut butter is presented in a number of ways including fingers, spoons, and even special toys designed to carry a tempting dollop of peanut butter within. Heretofore, the only problem with this has been that too much fat can lead to pancreatitis, a potentially serious abdominal disease but generally not a risk where occasional small spoonfuls of peanut butter are concerned. This has changed now that xylitol is being used as a peanut butter sweetener by some brands. Xylitol is a low calorie sugar substitute used in toothpaste, sugarless gum, candies, and now apparently in some peanut butter. The problem is that it is toxic to dogs in amounts that could be significant in what would seem to be reasonable amounts of peanut butter. Xylitol is not a "artificial sweetener;" it is a natural sweetener extracted from many fibrous plants so it can be present in many "natural" products. In the dog's body, xylitol is perceived as glucose and insulin is released in response to it. The problem is that xylitol is NOT glucose and cannot be used as a fuel. The release of insulin leads to a low blood sugar crisis which can be life-threatening. There is also a delayed liver toxicity reaction that can occur with higher exposures. The brand implicated is the Nuts 'N More brand of nut butters sold through GNC but we have received word that Krush Nutrition brand also is using a xylitol sweetener. The Nuts 'N More label refers to "birch xylitol" which is no different from any other kind of xylitol as far as toxicity goes and relates only to the plant source of the xylitol (which can come from any number of plant sources). CHECK THE LABEL OF ANY PEANUT BUTTER BEFORE OFFERING IT TO THE FAMILY DOG! Here is a partial list of common products/foods with xylitol: http://xylitol.org/xylitol-products For more details on xylitol toxicity visit our library page: www.marvistavet.com/xylitol_toxicity.pml REMEMBER, If your pet has a HomeAgain microchip with a full service registration, consultations with National Animal Poison Control are free 24 hours a day. Call 1-888-HomeAgain and choose the option for medical emergency to be connected straight to poison control.