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ORBIFLOXACIN (for veterinary information only)
HOW THIS MEDICATION IS USED This medication may be used in either dogs or cats to combat different types of infections, especially those involving Pseudomonas. Orbifloxacin is also active against Staphylococci, and thus is commonly used for skin infections. It is not helpful against anaerobic infections (such as are typical in the mouth or in bite wound abscesses), however, but is commonly used in combination with other antibiotics for a boost in function.
If a dose is accidentally skipped, do not double up on the next dose. Simply give the medication when it is remembered or pick up with the next dose, allowing at least the proper interval between doses according to the label instructions. SIDE EFFECTS Side effects can be divided into common side effects and severe side effects. It is good to be familiar with both. The only common side effect of orbifloxacin is upset stomach. At approximately ten times the recommended dose vomiting and diarrhea may be seen with this medication. At normal doses, this should not be seen but could be. Dogs with Pseudomonas ear infections require very high doses of orbifloxacin and nausea may indeed become a problem. Giving a small amount of food with the medication generally solves the problem. More severe side effects include the following issues:
The recently described problem with blindness in cats associated with higher doses of enrofloxacin has been found with higher doses of orbifloxacin as well.
INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER DRUGS Sucralfate (a medication used to treat stomach ulcers) may bind orbifloxacin and prevent it from entering the body. These medications should be given at least 2 hours apart if they are used together. Theophylline (an airway dilator) blood levels may be higher than usual if this medication is used concurrently with orbifloxacin. The dose of theophylline may need to be reduced. If orbifloxacin is used with oral cyclosporine (an immunosuppressive medication useful in several immune-mediated conditions), the kidney damaging properties of cyclosporine may become worse. Medications or supplements containing iron, zinc, magnesium or aluminum will bind orbifloxacin and prevent absorption into the body. Such medications should be separated from orbifloxacin by at least 2 hours. Orbifloxacin can synergize with other antibiotics (making their combined effect greater than expected from simply adding their two effects together).
CONCERNS AND CAUTIONS Pseudomonas infections are especially common in ears. In this location, especially high doses of orbifloxacin are needed to clear this infection. Orbifloxacin should be avoided in pregnant, or nursing pets nor in immature dogs unless the severity of the infection warrants it (because of the potential damage that can occur to developing cartilage as mentioned above). Orbifloxacin may lower the seizure threshold (meaning that it can facilitate seizures). This is not a problem for normal animals but fluoroquinolones are best not used in animals with known seizure disorders. Orbifloxacin is best given on an empty stomach but may be given with a small amount of non-dairy food if nausea is a concern.
Short version (to help us comply with "Lizzie's Law") Page last updated: 2/8/2024 |