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FIRST AID So, you are at home with your pet and a bloody nose starts and does not seem to be stopping. Here are some tips to get the bleeding controlled in the time prior to your vet appointment:
If these steps do not stop the bleeding or the pet is having difficulty breathing, go to your vet’s office or local emergency clinic at once. Don't forget that a pet with a bloody nose will likely swallow a great deal of the draining blood. INFORMATION YOUR VETERINARIAN WILL NEED You can help your veterinarian tremendously by taking some time to think about the following information and bringing up anything pertinent.
WHERE TO START After your veterinarian performs a general examination of your pet some more specific tests are needed with the idea of prioritizing the most likely conditions and least invasive forms of testing.
In cats, the most common nasal fungal infection is caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. The good news here is that a blood test for fungal antigen is very accurate. Any positive number is significant and warrants treatment. In dogs, fungal infections are not so simple. The most common organisms are Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium species. Blood tests are not as accurate especially since there are other species of Aspergillus besides fumigatus and each requires its own blood test. Complicating matters is the fact that nasal tumors predispose a dog to fungal infections so a dog can easily have both problems in the same nose. Blood tests for fungal infections may be included in the initial battery of tests. A negative Aspergillus test does not rule out Aspergillus infection. Blastomyces dermatitidis is another fungus that can get into a dog's nose. Urine antigen testing is accurate for diagnosis and blood testing is also available if results are ambiguous. As with other fungi, treatment is long term and challenging. Another condition worth mentioning is hyperviscosity syndrome. In this situation, an extremely high blood protein level makes the blood so thick that blood vessels break from the pressure. Certain types of cancer (multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and certain types of leukemia) as well as infection with Ehrlichia canis, a blood parasite can cause hyperviscosity syndrome. A routine blood panel should show the unusual globulin levels that typify hyperviscosity syndrome. There's actually more with regard to Ehrlichia canis. Tick-borne infections (which include Ehrlichia as well as Babesia, and others) commonly involve low platelet counts. Platelets are blood cells involved in clotting and when they become infected with blood parasites, they do not work properly in the clotting cascade. "Tick panels" are blood panels that screen for infection with numerous tick-borne parasites, most of which can be managed or eradicated with antibiotics. Another relatively simple parameter to measure is blood pressure. High blood pressure can occur as a complication of numerous diseases. When blood pressure rises, small blood vessels begin to burst and bleed, not just in the nose but often in the eyes or nervous system as well. Do not be surprised if your veterinarian checks the eyes for retinal hemorrhage. The bottom line is that there are many causes of nose bleeds but many can be ruled out
Cruising Towards Anesthesia: If the basic blood tests and clotting parameters are normal then the chances are that the problem is localized to the nose but there are a few more tests that are required before the patient is anesthetized for a nasal examination.
Diagnostics Requiring General Anesthesia: If nothing has been revealed by the preceding tests, it is now time for radiographs of the nose, superficial rhinoscopy, and a dental inspection all of which require general anesthesia. Radiographs generally start the procedure as the other procedures might alter the radiographic appearance of tissues. The radiographs help evaluate the tooth roots and sinuses. Nasal tumors are common causes of nosebleeds in elderly dogs and the bone destruction they cause is evident on radiographs. Referral for more advanced imaging such as CT scanning or MRI, may be needed to determine the extent of bone destruction or to clarify radiography findings.
An otoscope (the same gadget used to look in your pet’s ears) can be used to look inside the nasal cavity superficially to remove foreign bodies lodged there. Deeper peeking requires an actual endoscope which may not be readily available in general practice. The teeth can be cleaned under anesthesia with specific attention to the tooth roots (remember, an abscessed upper tooth root penetrates into the nasal sinus above. If it seems appropriate to do so, some nasal discharge can be flushed through the nose and into a gauze sponge packing the throat. This may be helpful in identifying infectious organisms but may initiate more bleeding so some judgment is required on whether the benefit is worth the risk. Then What? If the simple tools of general practice do not reveal adequate information, referral for endoscopy may be needed. Deeper visualization of the nasal tissues is possible with this equipment plus biopsy specimens can be taken (though bleeding is the chief risk in this situation). Biopsy is particularly difficult in the nose, not just because of the hemorrhage but because nasal tumors are surrounded by so much inflammation it is difficult to get a representative sample. Often it is not possible to see the area being biopsied directly, especially if prior sampling has led to bleeding. If radiographs are diagnostic for cancer and aggressive therapy is contemplated, prognosis is highly dependent on the type of tumor present so biopsy becomes especially important in this situation. And Then What? At the very end of all these procedures, sometimes the area of bleeding is simply not accessible without surgery. This would be the final and most invasive procedure in retrieving a difficult foreign body or tissue sample. Extensive bleeding is expected and this is generally the last resort after a long road of diagnostics. In a study by Bissett et al published in the December 15, 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 176 cases of dogs with bloody noses were reviewed to determine which underlying causes were most common. Of these 176 dogs, a definite underlying cause was found in 115 cases.
Conspicuously absent is the nasal fungal infection but since these are frequently regional in nature in dogs, the population studied may not have been in an area where fungi are common pathogens. Other Relevant Studies Evaluation of factors associated with survival in dogs with untreated nasal carcinoma: 139 cases (1993-2003) by Rassnick et al published in the Journal of the AVMA 229:401-406, 2006. This study reviewed the outcomes of 139 dogs diagnosed with nasal carcinoma. Since many dogs are euthanized at the time of this diagnosis, this study included only dogs that were alive 7 days after the initial diagnosis was made. Dogs studied received only pain medication, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics (no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy). The following statistical findings came out:
Ultimately, the therapy for a recurring nose bleed situation depends on the cause of the nose bleed and the causes are many and varied. If your pet is having a nose bleed that lasts more than 5 minutes, seek veterinary care right away. If nose bleeds are recurrent, your pet will need a medical work up to sort out the possible causes as reviewed above. Contact your veterinarian to assess your pet's situation as early in the course of disease as possible.
Page last updated: 7/1/2024 |